Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Powerful July Crusade Touches Boston and New England

Powerful July Crusade Touches Boston and New England

Boston’s storied TD Banknorth Garden, home of the NBA’s Boston Celtics and the NHL’s Boston Bruins, was the site for the Benny Hinn Ministries Holy Spirit Miracle Crusade on July 27–28, 2006. From the first moments of the Thursday service until the final amen late Friday night, the hunger for God’s anointing and power was historic.

Founded in 1630 by Puritan colonists from England, Boston is one of the oldest and most culturally important large cities in the United States. Today, not only is it the capital of Massachusetts, but it is also the largest city and unofficial capital of the entire New England region.

Area pastors had joined together to pray for a powerful revival to sweep through the region, and during the first few moments of the Thursday service, the massive crowd gathered in the TD Banknorth Garden also joined the pastors in that prayer. Few could have known how far-reaching those prayers would be.

The healing anointing during both services, especially among Friday night's packed, standing-room-only crowd, was extraordinary:
Pastor Benny spoke of the strong anointing for cancer and said the Lord was opening a small window for those who needed healing for cancer to receive it. People from throughout the auditorium immediately responded.

A woman who had been tormented with the spirit of witchcraft for over two decades came forward for prayer. Pastor Benny called the host pastors to gather around her and pray. Then he encouraged everyone in the arena to pray. The deliverance experienced by the woman and her family will be remembered by everyone who attended the services.

Two young girls came onstage at the same time. One had been born deaf. The other was afflicted with asthma. Both had been brought to the service by friends. Both were healed dramatically and returned to their families completely changed.

Many were healed from drugs, including a woman who had been captive to a desperate crack cocaine addiction.

Even more exciting were the powerful salvation invitations. Pastor Benny explained God’s plan for man’s salvation in terms anyone could understand. When he asked people to come forward to accept the Lord, thousands upon thousands filled the altar area and aisles, praying and receiving Jesus Christ as Savior.

Many pastors commented that they believed this crusade was the beginning of a historical spiritual awakening in their city and area.

“We have not seen anything like this in the New England area for years,” one host pastor said afterward. “God has done such an amazing work here during this crusade. And we know the move of God is going to spread as He impacts people through what happened here!”
“In the midst of all the beauty and history of Boston,” Pastor Benny says, “people are increasingly hungry for our wonderful Lord. They are searching for meaning and hope. We were so excited to be in Boston for this crusade where God revealed such a powerful anointing. I can’t wait to return to this area, and I ask people all over the globe to pray that God will continue to pour out His Holy Spirit on the people of this historic city and touch hearts in the New England region as never before.”

Be a Vital Part of Our Historic Crusades!

God is doing a mighty work through each Holy Spirit Miracle Crusade! Upcoming crusades are increasingly expensive because of extensive travel and setup costs. Believe with Pastor Benny for a supernatural harvest of souls, Souls, SOULS! Please be part of our historic crusades through a sacrificial gift today.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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9:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I attended Pastor Benny's teaching session on the Saturday after the crusade and I was moved by the vision and mission he shared with the audience. Just as his team enters the city months before the crusades to pray and prepare the atmosphere for the blessings to come, I wonder if there are any organized efforts to follow up with those who were saved during the crusade?

6:35 AM  

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